Trial To Conquer Death

The school came into existence about the end of May 1910 under apparently most unostentatious circumstances. It was the occasion when, the founder, the Master C.V.V. was “Linked” up as it were, to form the physical human centre on our Earth to start for the first time a new Line of Evolution which we may describe as “direct” for reasons which we shall soon understand. He gathered round himself some of his own old friends and relations, explaining to them, that, practicing along with him certain instructions of self development that were placed into his hands for distribution to when so ever that so desired, they would reach stages of perfection and excellence hither to unheard of in the history of human culture, which they will be able to witness in his own person, and thus formed the nucleus of the society. This start given to the school must be clearly understood at the outset, as purely a matter of grace on the part of that innermost Origin and Pound of Life which acted on account of its own creative freedom and not as due to any time to anything done or doable by a man. Choosing its own time of entry into the existing scheme of things, to work it up into a new “Dimension” of Evolution, it also gathers into itself as if by chance, such of those who in outer behaviour express desire to come and join the new scheme, and form in and through them, the media of its expression. It may thus be seen that the scope of the scheme is to take in the whole of humanity – the highest product at this “Depth” of Existence, and give into each man that “spark” of life by which he shall be able to live in Ethernity and not Merely in Time, that alone is his lot as he is at present constituted.


To better understand the object for which the school came to be established even by what we might call the supremest origin, itself and not at all as an ordinary human institution, we may consider in a brief manner what is generally understood by Yoga, what man’s position in the “Created” order of things, and what the new school of Self Development aims to do for him. At the same time we should not forget that we have called the last an altogether New Evolution – making out of man, the highest physical product of the existing order of beings, a fundamentally new variety of existence.


What ever the variety of the Existing School of Yoga or Occultism or Mysticism, there is but one common element in the end, i.e., to reach the highest state of Felicity that is understood to exist at a higher plane of existence, beyond the limits of physical being, since the possibilities of such reaching are already potentially in the innermost constitution of man as involved in the plan of human evolution. It therefore implies some form of unconsciousness in the physical body the matter of which simply cannot stand the tension of the higher pressures of conscious life – such being the defect of the physical material whether we name this higher function, Samadhi, trance, ecstacy or otherwise. In other words the union with the higher, Yoga etc., is in a sense at the expense of the physical so much so that in some forms of the existing systems of this training there is quiet an apparent gross neglect of, or even positive injury to the physical form (level or depth) of existence. There are not wanting even theories who say that complete Mukthi or Liberation must ultimately be outside the physical body. Apart from the lack of a clear understanding of what is meant by liberation or salvation these schools also show little appreciation of the structure and function of the physical being. We might also note that what ever “Knowledge” might have been gathered during the condition of physical unconsciousness can exist for the individual only as a variety of dream with out any of the certainty that we seem to feel when we are face to face physically with the object of our soul. This effect is due to want of continuity and the strangeness connected with this suddenness of the transition from one plane to another which remains all the same however quick the passing and however clear the memory picture of what was observed. There is a clear defect viz., want of simultaneity of contact with all planes of existing and of the consequent unbroken and unbreakable continuity of consciousness observable in all the varieties of achievements by the methods of old. But it should be observed, that the defect is not so much of the methods themselves, or rather of the constitution of human nature – the methods being in accordance with the nature of our structure. It is thus apparent that something is lacking in our innermost constitution by which such continuity of life or consciousness could work. The new scheme has just the function of establishing such a “Centre” of continuous life or consciousness for the first time in humanity and hence the appreciation “New Creation or Evolution”. It can now be easily understood by such a work at the present moment of evolution could have been started only by the direct action of the transcendental origin itself and not by any man or super human however high his position in the hierarchy of the spiritual beings that govern the world. We might almost say that origin has now entered into this level (physical) of existence into its highest products (mankind) and is working out the required remoulding or remaking of humanity. He who is known as the Master of the School is the first human physical form, in and through whom as the Centre, this scheme works out an expanding system – hence the function, for want of a more easy word, MASTER.


It is possible to describe from different points of view the working methods of aims of this new evolution but, as an illustration, we may describe one such, which is at the same time of the deepest significance as far as our present knowledge of the higher constitution of world goes. Those who have had some study of the Yoga literature, works of practical yogees (inspite of the so called yoga sutras of Pathanjali) must have heard of the name of Kundalini. In a way there is no yoga properly so named which does not, base itself upon some variety on other of the “feats of Kundalini”. There is of course no extant work that tells any one what this is in itself in its inner constitution, where from it has come, why it has been placed where it is, and by whom, what its capacities are and what its future. It is of course more easy to put these questions that answer them. A detailed account of Kundalini cannot be described here, but we may note one or two relevant points. Kundalini is the stuff of which what is known as Moolaprakruti is constituted. It represents something with a big involution behind it, containing within itself definite capacities to show certain activities, but yet so completely closed within itself that at present, it is not under any obligation to reveal its inner nature, but rather working out in the world as though under a contract not to reveal itself but only exhibit outwardly certain feats according to some planless distribution of activities under some “Outer Control”. Much less is it to obey our petty desires and fancies. “We” ourselves are its “Sports” and feats. If we can conceive the whole world itself as the work of a single Kundalini we may have an imaginary picture of its capacities – capacities that literally are locked up within itself and would not reveal themselves until the word comes from its own origin. Being constituted not to break or yield by any impact form “Outside”, it is meaningless to talk as we popularly do, that any Yogi roused it up by his will to yield its treasures of knowledge and action when he himself is only a freak of its feats. It is such Kundalini that is now given the impulse that “Broke” into its very centre of “express” outwardly what has been so jealously guarded from the very beginning, the impulse itself making the very possibility of an action from within outwards, itself standing as the centre making out of man a real micro-cosmos, independent and self sufficient. To use a simile the Kundalini is as it were a temple built and waiting to receive its Lord, the lord is now come to live in it. Such is the significance from one point of view, of the new scheme that came to our Earth. In the light of this New Evolution, even the highest products, as we generally say, of the existing systems, are but ephemeral products, centreless or selfless, and are not therefore themselves yet. All the “Highest Action” is as though it were a nothing. It is only hereafter we are to become “Selves” what formerly existed as ourselves was a mere pantomime, at best a show what might become hereafter activities with self in. Such is the dim idea of what we shall be by the working of the New Direct Line.


We may however try to understanding in general, outlines the mode of the new working. Man or rather human consciousness of life is to be interpreted as representing such types of the “feats” of Kundalini as it were, for the real working of the original Kundalini has yet to appear, as are possible to be expressed by the human organism. Every where every function or action is conditioned by the limits of the matter that form its structure. It can be easily inferred from this that the very stratification into different levels are planes or activities that we now find in consequence of the existing scheme of the constitution of things due to the lack of a real “Centre” in the very Kundalini themselves. Such limitations and the consequent discontinuous working of the consciousness must and can disappear only when the centre, the new spark of eternal life, commence its working order established within “us” who are at present only the outer “liveries” of the original Kundalinis. It means in other words that by the Direct Line of Evolution, it is only one “matter” one’s own self production of each Kundalini, that works as if all our “vehicles” are soldered into one, working as one body from the “physical” to be the highest, showing the characteristics of all in itself. Such will be the effect of the “injection” of the new spark which is given as it were at the time of what is known as initiation, the real and veritable descent of the highest into this bottom of existence that we call physical existence. From the moment of initiation onwards this new filling-in begin until it establishes itself fully in its own subtle nature throughout what we call ourselves the small “spaces” to which we refer ourselves in all our activities in the midst of this wide oceanic space that surrounding us. What is known as practice according to the New Direct Evolution is only the work of such new filling is and fitting up of the new structure for the new functions, practice consisting of certain “code” words which are said as prayers, handed down as they are to the Master for distribution. Hence the so called “Yoga School” is rather, the School of Development into the New Eternal Stability which even in the highest achievements so far recorded can be “supplied”.

Master C.V.V

(This matter was collected from Master’s Vol. I with the explanation of Sri D. Narayana Rao)


First of all we shall know about, birth of soul, from where it comes and how and what happens to it after death.
There is vast space known as Cosmos and for all practical purposes it is borderless limitless and endless. Scientists now say that all this universe otherwise called cosmos, is the ever expanding and the speed of expansion is at a tremendous rate. There are many stars, constellations in this space moving at a tremendous speed may be towards the borders thereby creating magnetic forces in between them and around them. Till recently, the conception was that there is nothing in between a star and a star. But of late the scientific observation is that very dense matter exists there creating great magnetic force. What we take as empty space is not empty at all. They are thought to be empty because of not illumination of the same. Many of the stars that are shining making us believe that they are substitutional and are merely products of gasses thus resulting in emptiness within them. The stars or constellations are of many grades. Some are of first magnitude, some of second magnitude and many of 3rd magnitude. Our sun is a second graded start with a peculiar system around it. The entire solar system is a part of galaxy and with tremendous speed or motion it is going on. Neither we know the starting point of it in motion, nor the ending point of it in space. All the planets around the sun including earth are moving along with the Sun without any disturbance either in their speed or in their orbits. The motion of the solar system is an inferential scientific fact, not visible to the human eye. In this planetary system, many of the planets are having fixed orbits around the Sun. the latest planet Pluto too is having an orbit, but the orbit seems to be fluctuating. Moon rotates around the Sun. Earth significantly has two movements. It rotates around itself, and also it rotates around the Sun. This double movement is a notable feature of the earth. In its motion around the Sun as a globe all sides of the earth are exposed to Sun, always resulting in day and night. As per the self rotation of the earth, the North & South poles of the earth are not equally exposed to Sun due to the inclination of the Earth. The earth rotation is in oval track. Now to draw a picture to the zodiac belt and solar system, we have to take the whole system as stable-one, since we can not picturise the same in motion. Assuming Sun as a centre and the distances of planets from Sun are taken and the situation of planets and their directions in degrees is based on the Helio – centric conception. Likewise taking earth as the center nothing other planetary positions from earth and away from earth constitutes gen-centric observation. We have to take earth as a center without motion in order to have a conception of the zodiac stars and planes in that order. The zodiac is mainly occupied by 27 constellations and we can see them in the Milky Way. Calculations are to be done assuming a fixed point.


Longitudes and latitudes are marked on earth- it is really frictional. In the same way, twelve houses are marked in the zodiac and they are called Rasis or houses. Everyone knows that these meanings are imaginary. But without such an arrangement an understanding of the system is impossibility. It takes 24 hours for the earth to make a full round in its self rotation movement. It takes 360 days to 365 or 366 days for the earth to make a completed round, around Sun depending upon the North and South Hemispheres. The zodiac houses formations increase and decrease because the time duration vary and longitudinal and latitudinal positions of planets do vary. It is for man’s convenience that this system is arranged.
Unless we assume and presume certain non existing things, we cannot have the concept of space and time. The existence of space and time are in a way presumption. But in spite of their being unreal, they are useful for the man in his attempt to understand the cosmos.


Dhatukala is a combination of (1) Kamyam, (2) Kalam, (3) Janyam. Lagnam is generally known as the time of birth fixing the degree in space or so. Space is the space in zodiac normally consisting of 12 rasis dividing 27 constellations. The time is also reckoned from Sun raise at a given point. Normally we take a house out of the 12 houses as Janma Lagna. To every man, there is a span of life starting from birth; one comes into existence before birth and during that one year period that one is in the womb of mother. The baby has a growth for nearly 9 to 10 months in the womb and rest of the 2 months and odd period, the baby’s prior existence can be traced to the father of the baby and during that period accumulation of matter in the body of father known as sperm. The cause of life or the body formation is first cause. It can be taken as ‘Beezam’ or seed. Every life is moulded by all the 12 houses of zodiac and by all the 7 planets in vogue. Past, present and future work combined in one is called Dhatukala. Any life is projection of the past, and a focusing point of the future. If the first house called Lagna is the cause of birth of one person, the 12th house from the same represents the past birth and the next house from Lagna represents the future birth. The principle here in moulding of a person is done by the brought over of all past births and on the completion of present birth. This accumulated experience including the present birth will act as brought over to the next birth and then the process goes on. In other words, the past moulds present and present moulds the future.


The baby grows in the womb swelling with activity from the deposit state and comes out of the womb fully moulded to take an independent existence with a fixed span of life. The life enters the degree of birth from the opposition degree that is from the house opposite to birth Rasi. If Mesha is the birth house i.e. Lagna life enters into it from Tula, 7th house. If 15th degree of Mesha is the birth Lagna, the life is focused from the 15th degree of Tula and Likewise. So we have to take 7th house of deposit as real lagna. Take Mother(Vencammal) Horoscope. She was born in Kanya. Therefore, the life principle or activity is thrown into Kanya from Meena. Calculation from birth Lagna to the last degree of Meena gives you the number of births to be taken from now on the basis of 360° giving birth to 360 lives per every house, i.e. to say 360 births per every house and when 60° out of 360° is taken out as breathing principles, we get a calculation of 300 births per house 300 * 12 = 3600, 360 * 12 = 4320.


In the 360 degrees 60 births or birth principles – a division is to be made for mental, astral and physical, hundred to each 60 remaining as breathing principles. Out of the 64 breathing principles, there is only place for 60 and four principles are left out. Now if you multiply that 4 with the 2 representing Mental, Astral and physical you have 12. this the principle behind 12 houses formation. Now you have to reckon 7 principles represented by 7 planets acting in 12 houses creating boring numbers. In short, breathing principles cause boring principles.
Apart from these 12 houses, there is a house above Meena house which works as a store house of Man figures of Past, present and future. This house is having an activity like a Comet Tyre i.e. with an activity which prevents any blazing to a outside. You will come to know to know about house formation at the back of all 12 houses which have prepared manufactured Man figures.


If ten births is a unit, you can calculate five as Male births and five as female births. The seven planets from 7 sorts of figures, Each working in all the 12 houses. For a complete Man figure information, one of these 7 planets starts the work, and the rest six help the first. In figure formation- For every house there is first house and then like that in al the 12 houses. In the first house formations of a cover to the figure to the bony structure without creating any organs but only forming a conscience. The joint work of 7 planets started with Aryan Race 100 years as span of life with six SATHS in one ray. You have to take six saths as six co-workers, when the ray is the main principle i.e. to stay in every fig. formation, no doubt all 7 planets work, but only one principle leads other six follows. You should also note on completion of the work of one house, the leading is given to the next house. If creating starred or man figure formation stared in the first degree of Mesha or Aris, you have to calculate 360 births for each Rasi. Before the creation of the first Aryan type, man figure formations were caused by Agni swatha Pethiris(Agni as pithru devatha). Before the birth of Christ, 720 figure formations were over in evolution i.e. to say Mesha and Vrishaba productions were over i.e. Midhuna Man figure production started with Christ.
In short aryas gave 7 covers formation in each birth and Christ the work of 360 life principle in each figure. We have to understand that the experiment done in Christ is, to work out the experience of 360 births in a single life of birth. Because of this new work, the 100 years life span principle has become less operative. If you divide the life principle, you have 3 type of life principles, Atma, Budhi and Manas. Life is in Arupa Bhavam, 360 births were worked out in this way – 100 to Atma; 100 to Budhi; 100 – Manas, 60 remaining acting as breathing principles, Arupa and Rupa are divisons in the mental. If 3 types workout 60 breathings, the total comes to 3*60=180. If 100 life principles work in Rupa level, 8 goes to work in Arupa level. On the basis of this division, if you calculate 300*3=900 and if you add 100 it comes to 1,000 and 80 principles – Arupa going to the inner way.
This distribution of life principle in Atmic, Budhic and Manasic levels, in Rupam and Arupam was not caused by Agnishwata Pithiris. This method become workable from the time of Christ. Capacity to give 7 covers from physical to mental- started with the Aryas, who were descendants of Manasa Dhyanis. In one way, Astral, spirit speed and merchery in the Aryan type was caused by Agnishwatha, Pithiris, barishath Pitharis – gave to human fig. Rupam, Bhavam and Gnanam. These 3 principles were first worked out in the gaseous fig. formation of man. Therefore, the gaseous state in the first house has the capacity in physical figure formation, be it past, present or future. In one word, the physical building up process in the past or present or in the future can be seen and can be known, if a gaseous state of man figure formation is observed. In a nut-shell all physical figure constructions are traceable to gaseous state.


(!) Atmavath Principle (2) Budhic Principle (3) Manasa Putras Principle (Dhyanis) are worked out. First principle (a) Atmavath – Ex. Christ fig. focusing 300 life principles in one life. (b) 100 to 200 princples were focused in a single life starting with Budha, (c) Manasic Putras (dhyanis) single life in Arupa Bhavam with 100 life pressure – principles.




Note the 1+1 divisions of the figure formation given 1) Atmavath figures, 2) Budhi, 3)Mansa Dhyanis, 4) After this ahankara type comes having a little in touch in life principles and in figure principles, 5) This above type is called Agniswatha pithris, 6) After this 1) Gnana Mownies, 2) Guna Gupthas, 7) In all from Christ 7 types are formed 8)Barishat pithries are called Body Guards. i.e. 8th principle governed by Body Guards(Barishad Pithiris) (!) Atmavath Fig. (2) Budhi (3) Manasa Dhyanis, (4) After this ahamkara, type comes having a little in touch in life principle and in fig. principles, (%) this above type is called Agnishwatha Pithiris, (6) After this Gnana Mouni, (7) Guna Gupthas. When a memorandum of 360 degrees is completed or when a Jeeva completes a full cycle of births this present work of creations comes to a stop i.e. say it reaches the most dwindling point. The new working process in fig. formation will take place by a Man figure standing a star at a height of 1000 miles from the level of the world be father of man – figure. Then 1000 inhaling or breathing principles will be worked out from the point of meridian for a period of 60 days. The day can be measured as an unit of one day and night. Fig. there is 7 kinds of planetary ring formation around man of oval structure. One house of 7 types i.e. 360*7=2520 calculate 360 births per house in all 12 houses, 20*1252=30,240.


1000 miles, 1, 2, 3 types 300 lifes Dwindling star focused Guna Gupatas – Body guards. 1) Moon Tyre, 2) Angaraka, 3) Jupiter, 4) Saturn, 5)Sukra, 6)Budha, 7)Sun – 4, 5, 6, 7 Guna Mounies.


Mark the distance of 1000 miles, 10 divisions of 100 pressure circle after circle, markings are made (1) first circle in skull portion or formation and in rotation, the sun tyre in Man figure is formed (2) from the 5th tyre the deposit in the mother’s womb is indicated. This 5th tyre which indicates deposit in mother receives the breathing pressure of the mother and cause breathing faculty after birth. Normally the grades are fixed in the 1000 miles distance 10 divisions of 100 miles in one grade. 1000 in hundred divisions per mile is another grade. So a period of thirty days is required to work out one division i.e. first division. The second two work for another 30 days. If you add 15 days more dividing the 15 a unit of 10 unit of 5. In all 75 days. The deposit in a mother’s womb from the father cannot take place before 70 days from the inception, inception being gaseous fig. formation on the top of man i.e. father. The last 5 days the possibility is more for the womb to be filled in. in case a womb is not ready to receive the deposit, it can wait for a period of another 30 days and the birth of human fig. would not take place after that. The gaseous fig. evaporates converts itself into star form.


Again after a wait of 2 months, the process repeats in one man fig. for the repetition of the work, the repetition of work is done 7 times and then only the figures selects a new father. You may wonder about the readiness of a fig. formation accumulated on the top of a father fig. to be deposited in a woman’s (mother’s) womb. How could you know that a deposit is ready in a father fig. or whether it passed into the womb or not? There are some symbols to find out. The places in man form which will give thrilling sensation while the deposit is in evaporation by breath out. Foot, palms, top skull, inside the eye, inside the nostril, a dragging from the penis to a navel, a sort of thrilling sensation and a raising jurk inside the body will cause. Now a discussion regarding Spirit information is necessary. This spirit is in Atomic form. There are in all 14 types of spirit or spirits forms. Before we discuss the spirit, let us know the pedigree of Jeeva (1) Eccult, (2) Occult, (3) Gaseous, (4) Air- Air spirit, (5) Bindu, (6) Anu, (7) Paramanu, (8) Jeeva with Atma, Budhi and Manas.


(!) Shain spirit, (2) Sanka, (3) Consolation spirit, (4) Swan state spirit, (5) Hiddens, (6) Occult, (7) Ecult, (8) Washing Buttle, (9) Saw doll spirit, (10) Swan Pus spirit. Swan Pus spirit is divisible into 11, 12, 13 Tadi, Thvathi and Gathi. Now you know about gaseous state of spirit. The gaseous spirit is represented by 12th house in horoscope. The work of 12th house is called Sukrutham. Work of first house is called Ganitham. The work of 2nd house is called Nivartham. 14th being Laddus beginning of Sanka Spriit in Briktha form. Briktham being the sixth stage from Pravesa. Pravesa, Vyapaka, Gathi, Kirana, Arogya, the briktha and then Taraka. Taraka is nothing but star formation i.e. spirit in star form.


Regarding Sukrutham quality:


The quality of Sukrutham is discussed. It gives birth to a very full sized body with organs complete. It is a Sukrutham work. One who is born with Sukrutam quality cannot have troubles for want of money. It means to that birth there is a basic financial stability. One born under Sukrutam impact gives no weight for good or bad. His tendency is to take everything in good like. Generally it works slowly. Under its influence the attempt to birth will be made only once but not in 7 times or 7 attempts. Unless there is certainty, it would not act. It will wait for any amount of time till it is sure of the result. It remains before birth for 65 days only on father’s figure before getting itself deposited in the mother’s womb. Life taking birth in Sukrutham works is always caused by the throw of it from the opposite house. In the chart of a baby’s horoscope Eleventh house is to be taken to know about the life deposit waiting period or the Sukrutham. The mother LAGNA is the first house of deposited time. Deposited time here means the time when the seed is deposit in womb of mother, on its transit from father figure. The influence of a star, in the birth process of a body can be known by the star pressure on the Lagna quill. In Lagna Rasi of 30 degrees first, 10th and 20th in the Rasi of 30 degrees duration receive the pressure from the star and not in other degrees. In every 10° unit, 10, 1, 9 and 8 degrees are good the last being followed by 1,9, and 8. the same process applicable to any human being birth in Ganitham and in Nivartham.




For a human birth under the existing planetary system degrees minutes and seconds in the Zodiac or in a house. In Zodiac the planetary system acts as quills. A quill means something like conical formation with only mouth open. Any stability can enter into it and can come back but no stability can bore the quill. From quill in which human memorandums are arranged and in which models of human forms and figures are readily available are marked in degrees or parts of degrees in any given chart. Every stability after discarding the physical takes an etheric form and then astral form after etheric dissolution and then stability with astral goes up to a quill taking a new figure forming type with new memorandum to continue its journey in the evolution, thereby causing a continuity in accumulating experience.


The astral figure acts as negative or like a micro film negative to be studied by the quill. When a quill is to a give a new planned program for the stability to take a next birth, pithru devathas do assist in this creative work in figure formations in a quality and quantity, making a coordination of individualized karmas and evolutionary process. These qull formations are in the zodiac belt and the zodiac belt represents activity in a nirvana levels bottom and this occurs in every square of the 100 squares in that field. All the 100 squares are in 100 circles creadting a level of its own and each square is called a VIRAT, and is commonly called as VIRAT PURUSHA. The good dome or the top point administering this work in the square is known as creator, Every man takes birth, after birth till all births are exhausted.

(Sri Venkasami Rao who started “Yoga School” for Immortal man form as per the instructions of MTA through “Chandu” was designated as Master C.V.V. The following was the declaration master CVV on 1-3-1910.)


From birth to death all are adopting certain methods chalked out by our fore fathers after careful and deep study of sastras. There are classified codes of behaviour and modes of worship of the Lord creator for the different castes. As a chaste woman supports her husband in whatever career he deems fit for his life and follows him so also we are following those codes of behaviours without any attempt to develop our wisdom. We are doing what we should to maintain a family life and support our children and when old age sets in, we while away our time with the thought that we have done our duty in this birth and that we should have a good future and also a good next birth; by leading such a life we are not able to understand the cause of creation, why we are born, how many births are yet to be taken, what is the goal of all this and why and how our children are born through us.


There is no time in family life to investigate and get wisdom from these questions. How can we get at a solution without pondering on them and if we only feel that we are not able to know the answers to those questions and so pass our life time blindly? Proper steps should be taken and some time should be devoted for investigation and realization. With the object to make everyone understand these problems easily, this “society” was started.
Certain methods are given to us to get wisdom, to pass on our life time without difficulty, to worship the Lord in the way our elders have prescribed and establish our mind in immortality. It is very difficult to follow these methods, and more over they are meant to lead to further births.


The secret and the cause of creation are taught here in a simple manner to make one a wise man, however ignorant or poor one may be; ways are being paved to give all wisdom during family life without discarding it, and to lead one to live without disease, and decay due to old age and death. Not only we, but also those who are closely associated with us will be able to enjoy these benefits.


All will agree that practice of Yoga is necessary to know who we are, why we came here and where we are going. It was made out by Yogis that Yoga must be practiced with the power of Kundalini. In this process different methods were formulated and it was declared by Pathanjali rishi that Raja Yoga is the best of all. This is also being called “Ashtanga Yoga”. By this method of yoga at the time of cessation or expiration, if the kundalini power begins to work in the body, outside consciousness will cease and a state of Samadhi will occur. It is very difficult for all to attain this state. It is stated as a dogma that if it (cessation and expiration) happens and the kundalini begins to work in the body the kundalini will enable us to attain the pure state by stages.


The object for doing so is to follow the conclusion of our elders that this mortal body is fit for nothing, that it is subject to decay, and that we must purify our astral and destroy the ideas of the past that come through mental reflections and attain the pure state. It is clear from this that we cannot realize the Lord with this body. Moreover, our elders have named the creative order as Sankyapatha. The vedantis state the creative order in a different way and proclaim that all are taking place in a mayavic state that this world is an illusion. Some other say that the personified Lord limited in shape and form has created this universe as a sport for him; and when we think about all what others say, we get a doubt and confusion as to which of them should be followed.
The cause for all these should be only one; to realize that there should be only one way; when it is so why are different schools of thought formed by members of different religions. Is it not also a creation of the Lord. Will it be wise to try religion after religion without any practical experience?


This society is started for the above reasons with the object of making all human beings without any exception to realize the Lord within this physical body through the wisdom revealed by Kundalini in a conscious state and making them adepts by enabling them to clear their doubts through internal questioning and experiencing intimate knowledge and self realization.

Immortality and Man

Conquering death is something beyond human powers but humanity always tried to achieve it since the beginning of creation. Death, disease and old-age are great contributors to the human misery and life cannot be perfect and blissful unless these are eradicated.


In St. John’s revelations too, who have these mentioned as things to be liquidated in the coming new world. Almost all saints and seers have thought of eliminating these from human life by the Grace of God. Christians and some others had declared these infirmities as caused by original sin. Those that have accepted the theory won’t give any chance to it. Hindus in general see the cause to be a consequence of Karma. But the Karma theory is also having its limitations. Even absolute good Karma also can’t save one from death and old age.


In fact there is not even one good answer in any of the existing religions justifying the existence of death disease and decay. If creation has any purpose, it is to mould the man perfectly to make him more and divine, to make him the replica of the absolute i.e., Brahmam. We have many instances in the past, when man attempted to conquer death, disease and decay.


It appears that in the beginning of the creation Brahma didn’t think of death. Creation went on and creatures became too many and consequently Brahma created death. Death herself was reluctant to do her duty. Brahma assured her of his protection and immunity from Sin. Thus goes the story.


Till Devatas and Danavas jointly ventured Kshira Sagara Madhanam and got Amruta, Devas also has death life anybody else. Due to amritapanam, devas became immortal. It is devas, who prevented others from becoming immortal. It is what Indian epics says. So it is necessary to conduct similar experiment to make all others immortal i.e,. deathless. It is accepted by all that soul or jeeva is immortal and that only body or cage is mortal and perishable. In this great evolution, that process that worked out and created a man, can work out and can create a super man or divine man, who can become immortal. Only thing we have to know is when that time comes for a new twist in this evolution.


There were good number of anectdotes in our epics. One favours one is the story of Savitri and Satyavan. Savitri faced the lord, death and compelled him to revive her dead husband. Mahayogi wrote a great poem, by name ‘Savitri’, Glorifying that story. Sage Markandeya also conquered death and became a Chiranjeevi i.e., long-lived once due to the Grace of Siva. In Maha Bharata, we get all these stories. In the same Maha Bharata itself Narada explains to Dharmaraja about the inevitability of death. So we have enough evidence to argue both ways. But for our purpose it is enough to come to a conclusion, that seeds of thought of conquering death are there in Maha Bharat itself. It so in Ramayana also. At the request of Rama all the dead Vanaras in the battle were revived.


Sri Krishna, the latest of the Avataras brought back his elder brothers from death at the request of her mother Devaki, but they were all sent back. He also brought back to life the dead child of his Guru Sandipa, and the child was not taken back to the land of death. Krishna took Arjuna along with him to the Origin and brought back life to the six children of a Brahmin, who ere dead, without a cause. The crowning event of Krishna, was in his giving life to the deah child of Abhimanyu, who ruled the Kuru Kingdom for number of years till he was bitten by a serpent. In modern times also we hear about many such instances. Jesus brought the dead Lazauas to life Nrusimha Bharathi revived a dead Brahmin boy-Yukta saranda, the Guru of Premanda brought one Ramulu back to life. Master C.V.V. also revived his adopted mother fourteen days after her actual death.


All these instances show only a possibility of conquering death temporarily but not permanently. But there is hope-what is possible temporarily can be made possible permanently, if once we know the principles governing life and death and source of life.


In this Yoga Master explained the principle of life and death. The life that is had is called Chief life-it’s source planetaries. The higher body of the man takes a planetary programme with a limit span of life before it comes to birth, i.e., it takes this new grosser body-once the programme is over, this body is given up and the sould within goes back in its first body to take next programme. This is known as ‘Janma Parampara’ when all the programmes are thus exhausted the soul takes up its Jyoth form or Divya Rupam. But the tragedy is that a new beginning is to be had with the ending of the Kalpam.


Kaka Bhushandi – Markandeya, Narada, Vasista, Atri and other great Rishis, had prayed the Origin for a final solution to this vicious circle in creation. These great Rishis, had written great books foretelling events and Horas, Samhitas and Nadi granthams are some those books. As promised to them the Origin took human form, initiated a new Yoga path to work out eternal principles. A Reading of Parasara Hora, Kaka Bhusandi Nadi, Kousika Nadi or Vashista Nadi or Saptarshi Nadi, will enlighten one in this matter. I had the privilege of meeting Late Sri Narayana, who was Markandeya, reborn, but had no such luck to meet late NRBV of Kumbakonam who was Kaka Bhushanda. They are many who had great intimacy with Late Sri Veturi Prabhakara Sastry, who was Buddha reborn to serve this great cause.


It is to be noted that Hiranyakasipa, Ravana, Bali and many others protested against the inequity between Devas and others, tried their best to change the cosmic order but failed. They sought deathlessness. Brahma declared his incapacity to grant such a boon. So it can be inferred that this creation that emanated from Brahma is incapable of giving a start to the immortality of man. The origin itself must take initiative and perfect this creative order. The species like Devas, Kinneras, Kimpurushas, Gandharvas, Rakshasas, Danavas, had gone by and now only Man remains, as sole existing species on earth, as is declared in our epics it is only man that can achieve the highest. Man has already probed into cosmos and information is given to us about lokas, or planes above and below the physical and nature of those planes. Information was already given by him regarding Solar and Stellar systems in space and their characteristics. Man has come to know of Science, which is revealing most of the secrets of the physical. We can hope that science will improve and truth behind cosmos will one day be unraveled. To view Science as different and o0pposed to spiritually is wrong.


There is nothing higher and greater than truth. However, unpleasant it many be, it is the only thing that should be sought. No spiritualist should be afraid of Truth. If Truth is revealed, much of the glamour of the known religions may be wiped off. Poetic imagination had created around every spark of Truth, wild and Fantastic stories, that it has become impossible for man to investigate in a scientific way into the past. It is responsible for the existence of too many religions which are contradictory. There is no scope to separate truth from fiction. If you read all the eighteen Puranas of ours, you are likely to go mad. The chances to go mad are greater if you read Bible (New and Old) Koran and Geetha too, without necessary insight. But when man becomes more evolved, it is possible for him to differentiate truth from fantasy. The need to base spiritual sadhana on a scientific footing is greater today than at any other time. Yoga process which doesn’t necessitate acceptance of any faith or Dogma appears to me as the only way to the aspiring one. Spiritual research coupled with scientific analysis is the need of the hour. The fanatic approach in man is most undesirable. From Darkness to Light-From death to immortality let us progress.

(Sri Venkasami Rao who started “Yoga School” for Immortal man form as per the instructions of MTA through “Chandu” was designated as Master C.V.V. The following was the declaration master CVV on 1-3-1910.)


From birth to death all are adopting certain methods chalked out by our fore fathers after careful and deep study of sastras. There are classified codes of behaviour and modes of worship of the Lord creator for the different castes. As a chaste woman supports her husband in whatever career he deems fit for his life and follows him so also we are following those codes of behaviours without any attempt to develop our wisdom. We are doing what we should to maintain a family life and support our children and when old age sets in, we while away our time with the thought that we have done our duty in this birth and that we should have a good future and also a good next birth; by leading such a life we are not able to understand the cause of creation, why we are born, how many births are yet to be taken, what is the goal of all this and why and how our children are born through us.


There is no time in family life to investigate and get wisdom from these questions. How can we get at a solution without pondering on them and if we only feel that we are not able to know the answers to those questions and so pass our life time blindly? Proper steps should be taken and some time should be devoted for investigation and realization. With the object to make everyone understand these problems easily, this “society” was started.
Certain methods are given to us to get wisdom, to pass on our life time without difficulty, to worship the Lord in the way our elders have prescribed and establish our mind in immortality. It is very difficult to follow these methods, and more over they are meant to lead to further births.


The secret and the cause of creation are taught here in a simple manner to make one a wise man, however ignorant or poor one may be; ways are being paved to give all wisdom during family life without discarding it, and to lead one to live without disease, and decay due to old age and death. Not only we, but also those who are closely associated with us will be able to enjoy these benefits.


All will agree that practice of Yoga is necessary to know who we are, why we came here and where we are going. It was made out by Yogis that Yoga must be practiced with the power of Kundalini. In this process different methods were formulated and it was declared by Pathanjali rishi that Raja Yoga is the best of all. This is also being called “Ashtanga Yoga”. By this method of yoga at the time of cessation or expiration, if the kundalini power begins to work in the body, outside consciousness will cease and a state of Samadhi will occur. It is very difficult for all to attain this state. It is stated as a dogma that if it (cessation and expiration) happens and the kundalini begins to work in the body the kundalini will enable us to attain the pure state by stages.


The object for doing so is to follow the conclusion of our elders that this mortal body is fit for nothing, that it is subject to decay, and that we must purify our astral and destroy the ideas of the past that come through mental reflections and attain the pure state. It is clear from this that we cannot realize the Lord with this body. Moreover, our elders have named the creative order as Sankyapatha. The vedantis state the creative order in a different way and proclaim that all are taking place in a mayavic state that this world is an illusion. Some other say that the personified Lord limited in shape and form has created this universe as a sport for him; and when we think about all what others say, we get a doubt and confusion as to which of them should be followed.
The cause for all these should be only one; to realize that there should be only one way; when it is so why are different schools of thought formed by members of different religions. Is it not also a creation of the Lord. Will it be wise to try religion after religion without any practical experience?


This society is started for the above reasons with the object of making all human beings without any exception to realize the Lord within this physical body through the wisdom revealed by Kundalini in a conscious state and making them adepts by enabling them to clear their doubts through internal questioning and experiencing intimate knowledge and self realization.