Specifics & Mercury


It is known to everyone to measure any distance by using a scale. Suppose we measure 10 inches. How to mark the grades on the scale? We start with Zero. 10 small bits of an inch when covered we mark one. At the end of the scale, we mark the end with the fig.10. To come back to the first inch of the scale sub-divisions of 10 are taken. Each mark is a grade. Then what about the Zero. Zero is a grade. In order to reach a Zero, four inner grades of a Zero are to be completed. The zero represents a small circumference.


We have to go the centre and mark vertical and horizontal diameters, there by four quarters of the zero can be seen. Quarter after quarter, when 2 quarters are completed, vertical diameter is completed. When the third quarter is completed horizontal diameter is arranged, there by X-Axis and Y-Axis are completed. When the arc of the circumference of the 4th Quarter is completed Zero is complete. Therefore, zero (0) attains a grade only when all the four quarters are completed. We must know that 0 is having a grade, a value, an existence only then. Earlier, that is, before completion it is always something less. Mercury can be taken as ‘0’ grade activity. Take thermometer. The bulb portion, it is 0 grade.


The vertical projection of mercury when heated up raises, grade after grade, 1, 2, 3 like that. This mercury activity or life activity can be seen in kundalini, Mercury means activity. When there is no activity, it is inactive space. What is Zero? The smallest limit of space. When activised, the zero activity takes up horizontal prolong of vertical prolong. Therefore, it is only a vertical or horizontal prolong that turns into graded activity and the inner innate Zero activity though consists of smaller grades is not measurable.


Hence remains ungraded. Now the question is how we can know the zero grade? We can know the grade of the zero only by its blazing surface. It is like Ether at Zero grade. Ether neither diminishes nor increases. In one way, it is pure Ether. Any prolong from that makes it a different one. The shape alters and hence weight alters. It can be taken as stood one – 1. The stood one gets weight, weight gives it value. Therefore, it is only in the graded activity in the zero, a conception is formed. By zero space is fixed and hence it becomes specific. This specific without grade can be taken as pure specific. This remains in the same condition as pure specific. Ether when a begin is made raises. Therefore Ether attains a grade because of pressure on all sides to make a begin, — Begin.


Inference : Mercury of thermometer is parallel to the Merchery in Kundalini in the vertical vertebral tube. The cosmos begin likewise with begin activity of pure specific. Pure specific is like 0 grade mercury. Ether is pure specific is NIL activity. When pressure on all sides is given, it follows the thermometer principles and/or a Kundalini principle, and beginning is made. LET US KNOW THE PARALLEL CONNECTION OF MERCURY, MECHERY AND ETHER.


It is difficult to understand What specific is? We have already taken specific as most shrinked from a space. Specific can be pricturised as (0) Zero or circle. In its original stage, it has a characteristic and it is as good as pure ether. Therefore, a conception of a specific (space) formed. Pure specific when pressurised by Ether and with that pressure around gives raise to begin. Due to pressure around specific remains as specific i.e., the stood-up-specific. In other words the pressure on the circumference attempts to cause shrinking on the circumference. So the inner of this specific which cannot be further shrinked remains as it was. So it has a quality. Resisting further shrinking is the one quality, remaining as it was-its another quality. Identity established-Identity because of the pressure around makes specific a stood one. The same process causes a raising. At the end or last point of the circumference indent when penetrated by a sharp instrument, a point formed, when further boring is impossible, it Goes in the form of a tangent, as the first point cannot be bored by the last point as the last point just touched the arc of the first point, thereby causing motion.


That motion in its first stage is ‘Truth’. The pressure due to motion goes on prolonging giving scope to the birth of number of specifics, one after another. This line of activity causing specifics is in a particular route. Where does it go? It goes to the limit of Lord Parist (parised). The work of tracking from ‘BEGIN’ up to Lord Parist can be called ‘Leading.’ This leading is a quality distinguishing one specific from another specific. So note the six stages.


(1) Motion-Pure specific (2) Law of motion (i Motion of character ii science of leading)
(3) Remaining (4) Remaining character (5) Lord Parist (6) Parised.


Who is this Lord Parist? What is the meaning of Parised? Paris is a city, the capital of France, known through out the world for Entertainment, enjoyment and unfettered gay life, loved and lived by all those that are after happiness. Paris is the symbol of absolute merry life. In other words, it is the center ANANDA. Once you come out of Paris, one cannot have that merry life again. Formation of an unbreakable circle around is paricing or paricised. We generally undertake the same. ‘Anando Brahma’- The circle around it makes the quality-or character remaining free from outside interference and inside quality remaining as it was or is?


To comeback to the original discussion, Truth begins at Begin and produces a motion-and in motion forming further specifics-with ultimate goal of reaching pure merry life stage and there by creating a track using the etheric pressure around forming a ring around merry causing an adamantine, impenetretable Wall, around i.e., paricising- Then what is Ether? Motion of Truth is ether. Truth is the Zero grade of motion. How could motion be tracked? Pure specific truth on one side and motion on one side give clue to the track. The Lavering around the pure specifc is nothing- but MERCURY (MERCHERY)- Most shrinked space.


Inference : In the beginning when pure specific was formed as product of truth motion emanating from truth, with a character or quality or undiminishing merry, free from outside interference with a ring like mercury of impenetretable nature, around, it is but natural to hope for such an arrangement in human physicals also. It is, therefore necessary to create a motion in us to touch the truth and allow the merry to come into us by its evolution, as a boring into it by outside interference or action is impossible. It also shows why pure merry and how pure merry became inaccessible, to us here. A parallel construction following the first stage of creation can help us to achieve this seemingly impossible goal.


Let us know how a line is formed out of circles. In aline there are number of points. Each point is a circle and the diameter of one point of a circle becomes another diameter of next circle i.e., to say the right half of diameter becomes the left half of the diameter, to the Next Circle when the prolong is formed the left to the right. Then you have number of small circles with a diameter dividing upper half from the lower half. When pressurised the upper half could shrink only to the limit of diameter. Likewise, the lower half, thereby creating a line.