About Yoga

The new yoga postulates very rationally that the object of evolution is not one of going back to any original as manifest state since such a view is self-contradictory but to realize as a fact here, at this level of being, all the implications of fullness of potentiality that is inherent in the concept of Brahmam or origin. It is a question of descent here of all those high “Spiritual” qualities that are ideally in the origin, but not are of ascent back to the original potential state.


Eg: a fruit does not become a seed because it cannot go back to the original root of the tree from which it came, for the function of the root or seed is to produce the fruit. Such being the case, what is it that should be done for this descent of the spirit here into this body to stand as an eternal, self filled, want less fact of being is to attain BRAMATVA? Are we who are only products of nature’s forces, the beings to accomplish this task or is it ISHWARA himself in his own grace that must do so since all the impulses for attaining higher stages in evolution are his and not of the products

This aspect of the problem brings us to consider who and what the Master C.V.V is?

Personality of Master

He was born on the 4th August 1868 at 10.20 Am at Kumbakonam. Astrological Nadigrandham in the south like Dhruva Nadi, Kakeyar’s Nadi describe him as Brahmam itself here on earth come to give birth to a new Divine Humanity out of the present mortal humanity, as inspired for the work by the Supreme Brahmam and as having entered into the world even unknown to the Trimurthi and the planets and other hierarchies of evolution, that having established the new principles of further evolution and left the body. He would make his appearance in his own form (having left off the mortal Prakrutic body which he had to take to contact our physical nature like all avataras) again to bless humanity when finally all the mortals, greed, wars etc will be eliminated and people live in peace with one another by his grace alone without decay, disease, poverty and death even as the denizens of the heavenly worlds are believed to live according to new different theologies and this would be but one creed and cult of the Supreme Brahmam. People would be under the guidance of God direct and not under the erring human governments.


Apart from this astrological description which the master’s instructions and explanations confirm, let us see Him as a normal person. Up to his 42nd year He lived ordinarily like a house holder. His nature was described by those who came into contact with him as most affable , friendly, generous, in a fault forgiving and was at the service of those who sought his help. Even when he knew that friends and other trusted people were exploiting his goodness for their own ends he never expressed anger and was even defending them against accusers. Though at birth, by adoption, he was in pocession property worth nearly 2 lakhs, all was lost and debts were incurred because of lavish entertainments to friends and guests. It was only when the nill point was reached that he became cognizant of His mission, when the Supreme Brahmic principle entered into him for starting the New Direct Line.


To one his disciples he was once describing Himself as a Secret Agent of the most High to take birth on earth to see how the world process was going on, what its defects were and what remedies were to be applied and when and how unknown to the various hierarchies. It was something like an emperor sending a secret envoy to investigate and report on the conditions obtaining in his empire unknown to his various Governors and find out what remedies were required to make his people prosperous and content and happy. This simile was used by him. The Emperor is the Supreme Brahma and Master was a “Ray” of that. Just as our mortal personalities born here are but rays our true Real Selfs which as such could not function here for want of a suitable “Body” of their own instead of those of borrowed Prakruthi.


On another occasion when He was asked when He could show Himself in His own nature and when His development would take place. He smilingly replied that he was in need of no development himself- in His own nature He was already perfect (God) but that is was the development of others that should be looked to when the duty he took on himself for the purpose would fulfilled. To make others like unto himself was the only “Development” for him. Once when he was working to rectify a Jost Fan that was giving troublesome noise and three attempts failed a disciple who was assisting him in the matter got himself disgusted. He joking remarked “Suppose some fellow comes here saying that he heard that Brahma was said to have been born here and lives, where is he? Could not that fellow be taken aback when he told Look here he it is – who is working himself with the Jost Fan”.


On another occasion when a disciple asked for a souvenir He said “What souvenir of these perishables do you want? I am myself within you. What more do you want?”


Just as he himself underwent as an ordinary individual to worst forms of privations . He was advising the disciples to have such persistence and belief in the line like what was shown and by following the potter, Columbus such other pioneer of science and industry. The great blessedness of immortality here and now can be obtained by such unswerving faith and steadiness.


These apparently small incidents and his own insistence to work up the line inspite of bitter opposition and positive obstructions by friends and relations show that he was not an ordinary individual who would use the position of swamy for his personal interests but a temporal form of Supreme spirit itself far beyond the ordinary planetary made teachers, Gurus, etc.


No guru ever said that he entered the heart of the disciple through initiation. It is only Brahmam as the One Kshetranjana that could say so. (Geeta and Sri Krishna’s statement about himself as the Alma in all beings). The ordinary guru simply instructs how the disciple is to pray by a mantra to some god and how “Yoga practice” is to be done, but leaves the pupil to his own endeavors, so that if be lucky to get God he adored, he may get from him some gifts as bonus such being the value of the mantra. Thus it is not freedom that he gets but a dependency on that particular deity. Even though when the highly egoistic Rakshahs made sever penance for Brahma, Siva or Vishnu they could ask only some boons by which they wanted to lord over other men. They never asked for “Freedom”. They never entertained the idea that when a God appeared to them they should ask him to develop them into beings like with the Gods they prayed to, so that they could live as donors of benefits to others instead of crying to subdue others to their own service.


But the Master of the New Yoga Line did not follow this old line. He himself had to teach the disciples what to endeavor for and to whom the prayer is to be addressed. It is he that makes the disciples fit to receive him as the core of the disciples being( as Brahma is said to pervade into all beings) and enter into him as a real functioning principle. When Bramatva is attained and the Guru/Master becomes one with the disciple i.e. he becomes ourselves and we become he. Such is the inner purport of Upanishads.

“Though art Brahma all this is Brahma”. This Alma is Brahma. “Knowing Brahma one becomes Brahma”.

It is such an accomplishment that the Master promised to his disciples to make them fit and developed and realize Brahmam in this very wakeful (Jagruth) consciousness without taking again another birth.


This teaching of His shows clearly that He is not a God like other Gods but the very origin himself. He took the events and sorrows of the world like other ordinary men and never sought to bring down Supreme Spiritual forces to ameliorate his own cosmic condition. He never tried to enjoy for himself what ever he could not share with others who depended on him in our normal life. The Master of this new direct line advised the disciples therefore to lead normal peaceful social life living according to the canons of good, loveable and friendly relations with other men. He advised the status of householders and was against sanyasa and other various from normal life. The Master told his disciples to fully trust him in their development and welfare just as having Sadana as per his instructions.


He never advocated any blind trust in him as a human being but in him as the Master representing the supreme Brahma.

Nature of Belief

“Though art Brahma all this is Brahma”. This Alma is Brahma. “Knowing Brahma one becomes Brahma”.

The individual self is a passive receiver taking up the attitude like that of a Bhagiradha by yarning for the descent from the Highest of the Brahmic principles flow for he is in his essence a ray of the Highest – because the Guru here is Brahmic direct expression and not a product of cosmic evolution. The Master not only teaches the disciple to whom he should direct the prayer also how his descent into the disciple to work out the requisite structure is to be observed and experience but also enables the disciple to understand that it is himself that has entered into the disciple through initiation and is working towards the fitness and development of the Guru’s (Bramham) permanent presence. Hence there is no possibility for TIME the great destroyer to bring almost any destruction in the being of the disciple.


The disciple, because he is now at once with Master and at once with TIME is also Brahmam. Such is a fundamental difference between the old types of Yoga and the New Direct Line called “Brikta Rahitha Taraka Raja Yoga”. i.e. the former is an indirect path and is bound by time. The latter is the one direct path and time has no hold on it. (Of course it should also be noted here, that the disciples initiated by the Master are not merely ordinary individuals but very senior souls who had tried and found wanting all those old methods of Yoga in their past births.) It may be also noted that to fulfill their yearnings and prayers to attain eternal that Brahmam acted in the form of Master C.V.V. to gather these together at first as his disciples, mediums, that they hereafter whom the Master shines in them that would ameliorate the conditions of humanity that peace and happiness alone should reign.


Until he shines, these disciples will appear to be like ordinary men with nothing of their inner capacities expressed outside. That is the Prakrithi Maya cover that has been put on them – sometimes even to the extent of deceiving themselves of their true nature. It is also to be noted in this connection that it is not for the first time that the Master visited on the earth in a human form. As already stated He came to examine the condition of humanity and find out means and methods to evolve them into divine humanity by taking various other births and some of the disciples were following Him in their past lives also as disciples.


It is now in this life He completed His work as He declared in the last minutes personally. He said that ‘We’ the disciples should “Wait” for a particular period when like seeds that were sown the New life. He established would sprout again like the deposit in an egg having its incubation period after which the chick would come out breaking the shell. When that day comes the whole world would have directly perceptible physical occurrences that should announce the dawn of the New Age and the New Humanity.


It should be noted that the value of the new yoga is not a matter of any personal salvation or gain for some individual or individuals but what would be distributed to the whole humanity of which individual is only a part – for all life is one and the Brahmic principle, they all pervading one. When it could shine in one would equally show the benefit to all. This new line is founded on the fundamental postulate that all is Brahmam, that all is one unit or unity. So Brahmam as Master C.V.V came to perform Yoga here for the benefit of humanity that it may attain divinity and immortality and give its fruits to all. It is this the new humanity will now emerge out of its present state of want, decay, death etc

How the New Yoga Works Out…..

Man has his constitution made up of

  • Annamaya
  • Pranamaya
  • Manomaya
  • Vignanamaya
  • Anandhamaya

Koshas (Body Coverings) corresponding to the five planes of the cosmos – physical, astral, manasic (mental), Rupa and Arupa, Buddhic and Nirvanic where the self are Atma reside. Man is said to be constitutionally right in the middle (Buddhic) of the seven fold cosmos and then at the meeting point of the 3 higher and 3 lower planes and hence ready to make turn towards divinity to receive impulses from the higher 3 planes. On the other hand the animal and the other lower orders of existence are confined to the lower three and would not befit till they reach the human level to receive the energy of the 3 higher planes. Hence man alone turn into spiritual evolution.


Aim: The aim of the new yoga is to use the borrowed body as the basis and to construct it by ones own Kundalini forces one’s body form so that it shall no longer be foreign to ourselves, but verily ourselves in form and appropriate structure as real functioning of individuals. It is then only that immortality is gained and established. Then man has 3 births – first from out of his original pituitary as a ray, second from the male parent and third from the mother. When he is able to born again from out of himself by himself then he becomes immortal – the new yoga by the initiation by the Master. He as origin of all beyond the three original fields of Kundalini gives order when He finds that human soul is fit for initiation to our original K-forms to show their work by themselves, for He is the master purusha of all Kundalinis as Brahma. Since these principles in the K i.e., three early coating and fourth coating of the pituitary form in the fourth field which are far subtler than any of the factors of the fourth subfield including the hierarchies and Threemoorties they work from with in our systems quiet unknown to these Cosmic agencies to construct the structure of the external existence for the function of the K principle is to construct form for function by the soul or spirit – it is the relation of prakruti towards the purusha. Thus the 3 early experiences of K become the higher center of Sahasraras etc., in the head and the fourth is to make a space-form of man i.e., the inner structural principles lower down. This body will be a man’s first expression of each man’s archetypal existence of his pituitary principle on this “Physical plane”. It is called celluloid form self-radiant, functioning in every way yet with out any organs like what we know have – eyes, nose organ, minds buddhi, atma etc. This ours – embodied ness of the atma is described as a prakrita because it is not made of borrowed external prakruthi, divine because it shines by itself casting no shadows, Suddha-Prakruthi because it is of proto-Prakrita that is self own Brahmaswarupa because it is an expression of Brahma itself. All the attributes we ascribe to the Brahmic as found in Geeta and the Upanishads are found as functioning facts in the individual Jeeva that attains perfection by this Yoga – also called Brahma Yoga. Such is the eternal state that is envisaged for the individual by this new yoga where instead of a negative and receiving entity that man is at present, he would be a positive ever – giving being of what ever benefits that those who seek his protection require. That alone is independence and freedom that the term mukthi connotes. Even as a God on earth he will be a perennial source of benefiting to all.

Raja Yoga

Man is more than his body and that behind the physical man, there is the realm of the unseen world of life, mind, soul, spirit, etc; the materialistic theory loses its ground on us and we strive to know more of their hidden realms which give significance to the endeavor called Yoga. Yoga is an experiment carried on by oneself on oneself. Raja yoga hence recognizes that not only the man form but also physical world has behind their Stula form, Bhu, a sukshma, a karana worlds described as Bhuvar and Suvar making up the well known triloka of hindu thought and religion. Even beyond these three realms they postulate four more, Mahar, Jawar, Tapo and Satya lokas as the complete account of the structure of the world corresponding to these microcosmic structures, they postulate in man conceived as a microcosm principle called physical, astral, mental, buddhic, nirvana, paranirvana and mahaparanirvanic. The whole picture being like that of an iceberg whose visible surface views in the physical world and its hidden under surface is the world of the unseen cosmic and human principles. It is in the light of such a picture of the constitution of man and the world we are to study, what is called Raja Yoga.


The endeavor of Yogi is to function with wider knowledge and unfailing ability in the world to help struggling humanity to live happily and prosperously. The true yogi is never selfish or egoistic but is a part and parcel of the one universal life sharing it with others. He sees oneself in all and all in himself. His consciousness has no place for isolation.


Yet, when we strive to become yogis, since we seek a guru/Master who is a higher potential is able to bid our Kundalini and lift it up to higher function. Since our constitution is not yet a completed/purna form, when a lift is made into a higher plane, our lower vehicle/upadi becomes unconsciousness. When we wake up to normality our experience in the higher plane appears as dream requiring to be checked by guru. It may be illusory origin – only the guiding guru knows its knowledge value. The next higher step in self evolution consists in knowing how higher plane experiences could be brought to our Jagruth state with out any intervention of unconsciousness. Only when the states of Jagruth, swapna, sushupti and Turiya were made to be one continuous our knowledge could be true and rated. For attaining such a state of certainty our inner mechanism is know “Defective”. The physical, astral and mental centers should become unified into one and continuous function through yoga sadhana. This leads to “Those who are above call it below and those who are below call it above”.

What is required of the striving Raja Yogi of the present age is the development of the consciousness of the meeting of all life by the three steps of Dhyana, Dharana and Samadhis under the guidance of his guru/master.

Master stated in his notes that the courses from merchery to T are spiritual progress courses and preparatory courses. Merchery course names indicate centers that enable us to understand all the Sukshma/Subtle workings in the physical body in consciousness state. It deals with the raising of the Kundalini vibrations from the bottom very safely and with out any derangement and also the building of the Sahasrara ahove the Hithu portion.


S-course explains in detail how the sukshma kundalini is being locked with the Sahasrara bulb and also the formations of seven plane, and building up of the sukshma chakrams.


HB–Course starts with the building up of “served” sukshma chakram in the physical plain and explains in detail the building formation for support of the sahasrara Hiprod and Hithu. Also formation of seven stages in seven steps and giving Link attachment to give single connection to all the seven stages.


KR I and KR II


KR course part I deals how new formations are given and also some source for sight formation.


KR course part II deals with the formation of lotus and direct improved sight forms.


E Course

Kundalini’s fight against the principle body starts with the forces released by “Hymn Songs” “Symbol light” forces are released from direct sources to assist the inner life of the physical body. By direct link sources, new chakrams were formed. It also deals with giving prana to the entire prakrithi who builds up strengthening up of the Sahasrara.

T Course deals with the nature and manifestation of kundalini to understand in the physical body. T connects with evolution MTA and ATM (Man Turned Adi – Adi Turned Man).


  • As per ‘Master’s’ words on 20th August 1917, “I want to develop the physical to such a stage as to resist decaying and to be always giving knowledge to our physical systems. None has proper gangtion full sushumna or full pieces of vertebra as moulded by T and TS levels regulation. By this development vertebra is bored ‘S’ is carried thus and the building is planned and is under construction. So many valves and so many fittings are to be constructed from Physical to Astral twelve divisions and from Astral to Mental twelve divisions.”
  • On 1st November 1918, Master stated “For physical establishment speedy regulation is attended to give growth to the physical. In that respect, before the seven planets are regulated nothing could be done. So by the Sukra leading first work taken is to lead the line and Sukra came first to begin in charity or act prolong. As the charity follows prolong if any obstacles occur, the charity acts ‘Master’ gives his force to the planets, which in him is transmitted to the human forms. This force giving of the planets is called their leading.


Master has introduced a vivifying principle by distributing prana in small channels to the disciples by the method of process of Initiation which is unknown. Hence, Master had regulated and made the planets to adopt ‘His New Principle’. This process of the Master in throwing his waves like forces by means of sounds is termed as Authoritative, Authentic blazing, Autobiographic waves by Onamotopia and the return of this force by the planets to the man form is by vibrations.

The working from the centre (Master) to the circumference (planets) is campared to the telephonic and throwing by the planets to the man form is compared to the telegraphic.

All the necessary changes, adjustments, rectifications, modification, healings, mouldings and development will worked out in the cosmos planets. Earth and all the human beings under thy safe guidance and according to the principles of New Direct Line work for the earliest, quickest and safest Brihkta Rahita Taraka Raja Yoga Siddhi. On the earth by introducing the following workings (courses).

  • Direct Hiddens Centre Working
  • All specifics centre working
  • All motions working
  • MTA rectification and reformation working.
  • Pacifigrity levels working
  • Adi kundalini working
  • Pure memory working
  • Pure love working
  • Plenty prana working
  • Albit activity working
  • Eighth centre activity working
  • Cuff-button working
  • Horn cover regulation working
  • All kundalini raising working
  • Retortion courses working
  • Full consciousness working
  • Lens, clense, clairvoyance working
  • Live principles working
  • Mythri principles working
  • Mythreya working
  • Heart curve claim working
  • Derection and Direction principles working
  • Firly lapers working
  • Pure petroleum working
  • Truth centres in earth and in man.
  • Gurders fixing.
  • Reactive radium formation working.
  • Blazing Sun activity
  • A course
  • Merchery course
  • S course
  • HB course
  • Pure memory and quill activity.
  • Masters view moulding quils working
  • New root race formation working
  • Vertical levels formation.
  • One world formation.
  • New constitution formation.
  • Men’s parliament formation.
  • One language, one Bhasha, Bringith Basha working
  • All Nakshtra Regulation.
  • All Rasi, Lagna, Meridian, Gods, Rishis, Thadhasthu Regulation.
  • Many life principles.
  • Truth centres in every cell
  • Sahasrara, Agna, Visudhi, Anahatha, Manipuraka, Swadhistana, Muladhara working.
  • Bright body, blazing body
  • Brilliant body with eternity.
  • Immortality in independence working.
  • All Olidere workings and Olidere works formation.
  • Neognalic theory working
  • Superao manufacture mercury working
  • Superior ether cover working
  • Sukra period working, plenty prana, seventy, seventy five energy hopes working.
  • Last workers of involution works
  • Perfect man formation on the perfect earth.
  • Mongee root, comet sulochana arrival working.


  • Siddhi Dhristi Adjustment
  • Good dome adjustement
  • Pitutary transformation as per Master’s adjustment
  • Swan and pan activity adjustment
  • Craped form, bulb formation adjustment
  • Hithu, pituitary, peneal, inner lotus, sahasrara mandal chootaka formation and reformation.
  • Uranus, Neptune, Pluto activity adjustment.
  • Independence of physical, Astral and Mental adjustment.
  • Coordination of physical, Astral and Mental adjustment.
  • Independence of man and earth leading and guiding of Master CVV.
  • Triple rotation adjustment
  • Training course
  • Appearance course
  • 7 years course
  • All planertary regulations – Sun, Moon, Mars, Budham Guru, Sukra, Sani.
  • Moulding of creative principles,
  • Moulding of 13 planetary forces, creative principles.
  • Three nadis, seven centres, seven adjustments.
  • All 12000 regulation centres adjustement.
  • All new model adjustments.
  • All Raja Yoga – Taraka Raja Yoga Adjustment.
  • All Rasi adjustment, _____________________
  • All nine sight adjustments.
  • All access adjustment.
  • Perfectual Full Moon formation adjustment.
  • Pendulum course
  • Prana Hara Praja kalpa regulation adjustment.
  • Squares regulation