Healing Process


1. Development along our line of practical moulding the system, should ward off the effects produced to the physical system and the consequent change of cageby the 64 kinds of Breathings. Only 15 have been regulated till now and the rest have to be adjusted.


2. Diseases shown in the system at present are only rectifications of the inroads made on the same by the external cosmic forces.


3. When the Kundalini with the knowledge of the All Memorandum finds that further accumulation of matter for building to the existing cage is impracticalble,it casuses the system to shrink by cessation of the acting of the heart and sudden shrinking enxues. Kundalini shrinks suddenly and causes heart action to cease and the ,man dies immediately to those who have not developed or under moulding, there are yet 50 antidotes to relieve the change of Cage.


From birth to 7 years one horse power works in the human system to retort the coming in, power, from Cosmos. Rather should work, seventh to 40th year, two horse power.


From 49th year 3 horse power if 3 horse power is howing in the syste from 49, the man will live upto 99
If only 2 ½ horse power, he will live upto 75 years. There are 64 kinds of change of Cage for a man. This is caused by 64 kinds of breathings, which affects the Cosmos.


C.V.V. Life-energy or Breathing rests with the Origin and the Kundalini. The Kundalini gives vibration to the heart in the Buddic portion and retorts the breathing.By our practice, we must develop our bodies to such a stage as not to make the body shrink during the change of cage-time. Ww should develop our bodies to such a pitch as according to the principles of our practice to prevent or put off the shrinking capacity of Prana , Preparatory to change of cage as pre-allotted, by the principles of Cosmic working.


C.V.V. ‘Breathing means Inhaling and Exhaling matter surrounding ourselves, which is in airy form along with the vital Prana.Kundalini receives it, and retorts the same according to the obtained principles vibrating to the heart to retort the Prana after inhalation. This retortion is given in several grades in accordance with the distribution of Prana to the system in conformity with the stages of age limits.


C.V.V. We inhale prana with an effort giving a slight heart pressure. The same pervades the whole system and is retorted afterwards by the Kundalini according to constitutional principles.


C.V.V Change of cage occurs in different ways either suddenly or by slow degrees of deterioration owing to diseases or accidents. The rule is not stereotyped.



S.No Breathing Name Number of Months
1. Memoria ambrose 3
2. Parrifirth Ambrose 2 1/2
3. AmbroBurse (Adults) 4
4. “D” called ambrose inject proof (children) 2 1/2
5. Sort Glowing 4 1/4
6. Verstery Steams 1 1/2
7. Burstery Madhin Glore 5
8. StomerlyJostic Floral 2
9. Subto Brastery Juiced 4 1/2
10. Vaisery Brodol 6
11. In Blawd Seventh Jurisdictions 5 1/2
12. Vaise Constructions Barrel 4 1/2
13. Walk Hinting Hebelis 7
14. Draw Fit ( Draw Fit Diaphragm Inject ) 4
15 Ten Dirophia 6
16. Ambrus Jorsing Tonic 8
17. Valve end Best Doll 9
18. Carziment Warze suit throughout 7
19. Glodi Flowder 10
20. Glero Vaise Breaths 11
21. Brows Comparison Brif 12
22. Bark Scleed 4
23. To a kind of marking crews 13
24. Berry`s nip 14
25. The Functions of the desirable breathing 11
26. Juice Chemical Comistana 1 passing 10
27. To Fecture Bindery Column 9
28. Warz minute Benefit 8
29. Firely Manufacture Cained 6
30. Dined Lough Fit Barrels 5
31. Obstacle orbinery Filthing 5
32. Bricks column Egg Turning 4
33. Plasterly Blood 3 1/2
34. Nickel Braistery Brodal 6
35. Disterly Promise Bile 2 1/2
36. To Burst Filler Bombs 8
37. Mizang Bile Paris 1 1/2
38. Ambrus Talid 1
39. Warzali Filling Roars 4
40. Harassing Breast 3
41. Tendons Turping Roars 5
42. Bile Bracket Roars 2 1/2
43. Tympan Varus 9
44. Very Barlic Juiced 6
45. Markings load 1
46. To Liberry Constitutions Burst Roars 5
47. To Injectionaly Corban 3
48. Firely Seed Diminish 2
49. To Versarit Allers 10
50. To Ulcerated Bile Firsing 2
51. To Falls Rate General Constructions 2 1/2
52. To Fixing all ken 4
53. Further Fitting Horsery Breathing 12
54. To Exhaustedly Finer Brews 6
55. Ambrasing Biles 3
56. Firely Nickel Brews 3
57. Good Cosmic Tendons Wire 8
58. Limit Burst of the Oil Fixing 2
59. Firely Tempus 5
60. To Ulcerate gall Bladder Hinting 18
61. Feirly 1
62. Horlis Growths Stomach Intellectual Acting Sour 1
63. Higher Progress Dynamo Liquid To Condensed Spiritual Progress 1
64. Two Thousand thirteen lakhs Walking coolden heat progress 1