
K 1st Key

The new-wave of life through the intervention (for all purposes accidental) of man on account of a prayer unanswerable by the conditions of the Cosmos by any existing principles, entered in the very heart of the cosmic stream (being its very parent and hence subtler than its product) and is working the new Yoga line. Hence the methods and means of the School are entirely new and cannot be found in the literature of the Philosophy of the Cosmos. This New Wave works by creating a new structure of its own in the very centre of our nervous system, the cosmic nervous system standing as its outer sheathing making it possible for outer activities to go on in their own way without opposing the cosmic processes. All the existing Philosophic and Yoga literature deals with the work in the 4th sphere and no Yogi has penetrated into the 3 original evolutions of “K”. It is only the new life wave that can reveal what is contained in them, since it alone can command K 3 to reveal its three evolutions being itself as it were the same as its parent. K 3 or its Triple is a mystery to the cosmos and is looked on as a unity. It is the new Yoga alone that can reveal its mystery. The whole cosmic evolution is thus below the Triple and we can go beyond the Triple Cosmic evolution by the help of this New Life-Wave alone.


Raja Yoga is divided into 6 divisions :-


  1. Vithra Yoga

  2. Dhruguna Yoga

  3. Valya Yoga

  4. Agni Yoga

  5. Aagna Yoga

  6. Brinjitha Raja Yoga

If a man completes all the 6, he is said to be a complete Raja Yogi and then he becomes fit and Tharaka Raja Yoga which is again divided into six.

Tharaka Raja Yoga

  1. Hithu Yoga

  2. Brahma Yoga

  3. Limbi Yoga

  4. Sukrith Yoga

  5. Vaithra Yoga

  6. Pancha Yoga


If a man finishes all the above one by one, he is called Tharaka Raja Yogi and becomes fit this Yoga which is the Yoga for Eternal line.


K is the only power which gives all the above Yogas.

1-9-1914 What is meant by Direct Line ?

Direct means from Origin itself. Origin can create without any eternal help. Hence direct line can be termed as creation line. It alone can be termed as independent line. Other Shritees are borrowed and not original, as everything has emanated form Origin. Origin’s creative power is imaginary and hence it should be termed independent. If independency is shown, then it is independent creation without following the present and past cosmic type. Borrowed and independent creations are of two kinds. Borrowed is from stored up place and then manifested. Independent creation is creation from its own imaginative power. That is the real Ichamathia Sristi. The same should be manifested in another field but the cosmic. But the case has not been such with the Ichamathia Shristi talked of now. Independency without the help of the Triple, planets, and cosmic life wave. It should never be destroyed by other influences. Independency can be manifested in this field.
Sight penetration, for instance, is a condensing process, own creation without cosmic help. Condensing process and giving life that has taken such a long time for Origin to manifest, is now being developed in this Line.

19-10-1919 Samadhis

1. Auri      6 years Pethika Samadhi
2. Simple 7 years Dharak Samadhi
3. Order 5 years Malika Samadhi
4. Haller 15 years
5. Warder 13 years Treats about currents
6. Tutor 10 years Marching
7. Waiter 11 years Separation from the whole or Brahmin
8. Vendor 13 years The knowledge as to how far Brahmin is away
9. Caller 40 years
10. Husber 20 years
11. Brickser 16 years Bhavana (Opposing)
12. Signor 17 years ( By me )
13. Beater 12 years ( By you )

Triple has developed. In all these Samadhis Total 188 years. Adamantine walls in the Sushumna between different planes which prevent K from rising in the ordinary state.

Between Physical and Astral 12
Between Astral and Mental 7
Between Mental and Buddhic 12
Between Buddhic and Nirvanic 7
Between Nirvanic and Para
Between Nirvanic 7 – 3 – 1
                                                       Total 49

25-12-18. 6-45 P.M. Origin

Origin means the original state and cause of any production or turnout.
Now if we take the whole creation to be the turnout, this must have an origin.
Let us take this origin as No.I.

The work of this No.I up to the present earth turnout is the creative order. The work turnout by No.I is a changing work. This changing production is classed under two heads.

(a) The formation of Earth
(b) Man-form creation on Earth.


“Any kind of production by No.I is changing” is a universal law.

The work of our line is to change the law and make all the production changeless (eternal).


So this new working too must have an origin and this origin let us call No.II. No.II is a man form on earth. This II is asking No.I for the continuity of the figures. It means a change to take place in No.I also. In undertaking the work of the making a man form eternal, it becomes necessary for No.II to make this earth the ground of man form also eternal.

To establish the above two things, i.e., the eternal keep up of man form and the earth, it is necessary for earth also to know the principles of the moulding of the present earth and the man form on it.


Now this earth is surrounded by any etheric matter which is again surrounded by planetary field. We are kept upon this earth by etheric pressure and therefore we are always kept at right angles to the latitude and longitude of the earth. The conscience is that we are horizontal or vertical to the earth. We are steadily kept up in position, though the Earth rotates along with the man form in the etheric tract. Therefore, we are able to stand steadily at the same spot unless we move from that spot, as the earth’s rotation is against the etheric rotation. The earth rotates from right to left, ether rotates from left to right. Now the origin II sends its force for the new working to the planets which, in turn, send it back to the M.F. This work of the planets’ throwing is the leading of the Planets, i.e., they lead the eternal principle which they have received from No.II to the m.f. on earth. The original leading by the planets of the work of No.I is in degrees of centigrade, while the leading by the planets of the work No.II is in limitless grade. The work of No.II in throwing its wavelike forces by means of sounds is turned as authoritative authenticity blazing “Autobiographic waves by Anamatopia”. The actual throw of the force by planets to the M.F., is in the form of vibrations. The working from No.II centre to the planets is compared to the telephone and the throwing by the planets to the M.F. is compared to the telegraph. The tank of ether which surrounds a man on all six sides giving pressure to him on all six sides varies in density at various distances. So physically condensed m.f. is kept up to the surface of the earth which is immediately surrounded by ether of a particilary density. But if etherical body is separated from the physical, it is lifted up to a particular level and then only it floats being kept up by that ether which is in a different density from the ether near to the earth. In the same way the earth and the planets too are surrounded by ether and the same rotation work goes on in that field.

26-12-1918 4 P.M.

The working of the whole creation is based on the principles of centigrade. Centigrade means marking hundred. When we say that something has risen up to 100°, this rising up to 100° ought to have commenced from 0 le from 0 to one, from one to two and so on.

When we say 0, it is also formed after passing three stages, i.e., from nil to ¼ not, ½ not, ¾ not and then only full not comes. This “not” when increasing first rises to 1, then to 2 and so on up to 9. Then there is no number. This rise from 0 to 9 is 1st grade. After 9 the 2nd grade begins. In the same way, as not is the beginning of the 1st grade, ten is the beginning of the 2nd grade. So, 1 to 10 shows that the 1st grade is completed and not represents the beginning of the 2nd grade and increase as 11, 12, 13 etc., it increases as 10 not grade. When we say 100, the grade is increased 10 times. The above is the increased side of 0. If we decrease, it goes as ¾, ½, and ¼, nil. So a not increased goes to centigrade and reduced goes to nil.

So if not is taken as centre and circumference as centigrade and this rise is read in heat, the centigrade point is represented as maximum heat or boiling point and will go on reducing until it reaches not, i.e., until it is chill. This not and 0ce are in reality two globes though they appear as on a surface. If we take the globe, i.e., the earth as 0 or centre and its 0ce as some other point, then that point will represent the maximum heat and the surface of the earth will represent the chill. In the same way if we take the centre of the earth, the same rule follows. Then it may be said that the inner surface of 0ce of the earth is the centigrade centre of the earth and the outer is the 0 or centre of some other 0ce. Then again, if the 0ce of the centre of the Earth is reduced, it will be nil. So to whatever inner grade we go on reducing, the centre will be shrinking up to nil grade. As the centigrade comes from Centric which means Centre trick, the whole creation is based on trick centre. But for mere appearance alone it remains as if based on a centre with the greatest capacity. But if you go on examining inner and inner, it leads to nil that is consolation. When we say centre it has a dimension. So the vertical and horizontal diameter of a Circle has its dimension equal to the centre.

Let X be the centre.

Then the dimension of X is the same as HA. This circle or the centre or any concentric circle between the centre and 0ce is divided into 4 right angles. So all the four quarters form 3600. What we call right angle is only the shrinked form of the arc AB. To any depth we go towards the centre shrinking the arc AB, we meet with only the further shrinked form of the arc AB. The rt. angle as we call it, is not formed at the centre proper. The Earth’s 0ce is divided into 3600 but the globe of ether on the surface of earth on which man form stands is divided only into 299. This man form too has its centre with 0ce round it which we are not able to see. This man form is a condensed figure in the etheric field within the  BCD around the centre A by the focusing of the planets. The man form is the production of something after that something has dipped itself deep into a field, i.e., if you take an etheric body from a higher level, i.e., etheric level, it comes down into the womb and comes out as physical body with personality, calls itself me. Here the key of “West we me” acts. The more that We wets itself deeper and oftener, the more perfect is we, or rather the more developed will be the me, i.e., the greater the machine of births, the greater will be the moulding. In this vast field of the present cosmic complicated working a new centre with the authoritative authenticity now blazes itself into autobiographic waves.

26-12-1918 4 P.M.

The working of the whole creation is based on the principles of centigrade. Centigrade means marking hundred. When we say that something has risen up to 100°, this rising up to 100° ought to have commenced from 0 le from 0 to one, from one to two and so on.

When we say 0, it is also formed after passing three stages, i.e., from nil to ¼ not, ½ not, ¾ not and then only full not comes. This “not” when increasing first rises to 1, then to 2 and so on up to 9. Then there is no number. This rise from 0 to 9 is 1st grade. After 9 the 2nd grade begins. In the same way, as not is the beginning of the 1st grade, ten is the beginning of the 2nd grade. So, 1 to 10 shows that the 1st grade is completed and not represents the beginning of the 2nd grade and increase as 11, 12, 13 etc., it increases as 10 not grade. When we say 100, the grade is increased 10 times. The above is the increased side of 0. If we decrease, it goes as ¾, ½, and ¼, nil. So a not increased goes to centigrade and reduced goes to nil.

So if not is taken as centre and circumference as centigrade and this rise is read in heat, the centigrade point is represented as maximum heat or boiling point and will go on reducing until it reaches not, i.e., until it is chill. This not and 0ce are in reality two globes though they appear as on a surface. If we take the globe, i.e., the earth as 0 or centre and its 0ce as some other point, then that point will represent the maximum heat and the surface of the earth will represent the chill. In the same way if we take the centre of the earth, the same rule follows. Then it may be said that the inner surface of 0ce of the earth is the centigrade centre of the earth and the outer is the 0 or centre of some other 0ce. Then again, if the 0ce of the centre of the Earth is reduced, it will be nil. So to whatever inner grade we go on reducing, the centre will be shrinking up to nil grade. As the centigrade comes from Centric which means Centre trick, the whole creation is based on trick centre. But for mere appearance alone it remains as if based on a centre with the greatest capacity. But if you go on examining inner and inner, it leads to nil that is consolation. When we say centre it has a dimension. So the vertical and horizontal diameter of a Circle has its dimension equal to the centre.

Let X be the centre.

Then the dimension of X is the same as HA. This circle or the centre or any concentric circle between the centre and 0ce is divided into 4 right angles. So all the four quarters form 3600. What we call right angle is only the shrinked form of the arc AB. To any depth we go towards the centre shrinking the arc AB, we meet with only the further shrinked form of the arc AB. The rt. angle as we call it, is not formed at the centre proper. The Earth’s 0ce is divided into 3600 but the globe of ether on the surface of earth on which man form stands is divided only into 299. This man form too has its centre with 0ce round it which we are not able to see. This man form is a condensed figure in the etheric field within the  BCD around the centre A by the focusing of the planets. The man form is the production of something after that something has dipped itself deep into a field, i.e., if you take an etheric body from a higher level, i.e., etheric level, it comes down into the womb and comes out as physical body with personality, calls itself me. Here the key of “West we me” acts. The more that We wets itself deeper and oftener, the more perfect is we, or rather the more developed will be the me, i.e., the greater the machine of births, the greater will be the moulding. In this vast field of the present cosmic complicated working a new centre with the authoritative authenticity now blazes itself into autobiographic waves.


  1. Wet we me.
  2. Net we me.
  3. Let we go.


The above three principles act with the Tyre A. It is not at all penetrated by anybody in the creation.

We dip deep before we wet.


A soul after dipping deep and wetting, what is the net result for me in the progress of development, Wetting of me. If the Wet is completed, then me is perfect. Till then me is imperfect. But before me becomes perfect me, let me go principle should act. Then let we go to become me. So in the process of West We me are, we must undergo “let me go” to become perfect “me”. To become perfect “me” means to stand on the level of Tyre A.


In the chill etheric field or Dark etheric field Sun (original) blazes in Conical form, i.e., the conical blaze impresses into ether. Outside the blazing cone, there is chill ether. Inside there is no ether. The meeting point of the apex of the blazing cone and the apex of the chill ether cone which is formed in chill ether to counteract the blazing cone. So on one side there is blazing surface and on the other side chill ether surface. By the constant pressure given by the blazing cone and chill ether cone, rings are formed impressing the chill cone. All the tyres in the diagram are formed in the chill cone, one within the other.


Between the Aspect Tyre and Comet Tyre this creation is formed. Blazing is within the Aspect Tyre. If this blazing is to blaze beyond the aspect tyre, the blazing is protected by Mercury Tyre.


Aspect Tyre is divided into 1000. Of those 100, 1 to 3 do not show the aspect. It is only at the 4th degree the rising is shown. Any rising is only at 40 it completes the 0 grade and from the 4th grade the 0 begins to rise. If the aspect tyre ring is taken as 0 grade, then the comet tyre limit is at centigrade and it is within this the present world is formed and the blazing limit of the Sun acts as blazing sun and blazes horizontally as Cone; and again in this 2nd blazing cone also, the tyres are formed as in the sun blazing Cone, and from this blazing limit another Cone is formed with several rings and in this blaze the present earth is formed between the aspect and Comet tyres.


After the formation of earth, the 0ce of the earth acts as rising 0 and radiates up to centigrade and in this work of radiation, our physical sun and planets are condensed. By the planetary converging, the man form is produced on the surface of the earth. By the blazing of the sun and the Chill Cone just below the Chill limit, a bulb is formed and above the bulb a tube is formed. The bulb and tube with contents (as long as there is space, it must have some contents).


If any pressure touches any point of the bulb, the pressure is at once carried to the bottom point, the Piston principle works. The result is air-carry-out principle follows. “Air carry out” is the name of the principle but it need not be the air. If the contents are vaccum, vaccum is carried out, i.e., the contents are carried out.


Ether – Truth – Motion – Lord Parist


1.  Nil
2.  Gone
3.  Less
4.  Empty
5.  Vaccum
6.  Nothing
7.  Not
8.  No
9.  Now
10. None
11. Void
12. Vacant
13. Nihil

  • From nil ether truth motion begins from level begin. So far as motion acts, it is truth. The motion which involves, i.e., carries with it the truth, stands as a specific truth. So ether does not give motion. This motion stands with truth with the dimension of a cylinder.
  • In ether in nil grade in Specific grade begins motion the truth inside. This stood up cylindrical truth motion is eternal. The outer ring of the cylinder like limit is the laver ring. It is within the laver ring the truth contained motion stands eternal. Within the laver ring is Lord Parist which means fortified very strongly like the town of Paris, i.e,. fortified by several forts around.
  • The laver Ring could not be bored and Lord Parist penetrated. The eternal standing quality of the Lord Parist is not its own self imposed quality but by the motion radiated by the Lord the whole surrounding field was agitated and the agitation begins to act on the ring and the whole pressure could not shake even an atom of the stood up. For it is giving motion to counteract the agitated (particles) and retorts them so. So stood up becomes impregnable and eternal in quality. This agitated thing outside is called ether as it contains motion in it by agitation. Ether quality has neither limitation nor add up. This is Pure ether, with specific conception.


For a specific we want      1. quality     2. quantity     3. weight.


Then what is that ether. It is motion of truth. If any motion begins in ether, it is eternal or specific motion. From the begin lead truth stands as motion. Outside motion there is ether cover. Motion contains truth inside. The top limit of stood up motion (Laver ring) is ether pressure and bottom limit is Begin. Below begin is ether. So Laver is surrounded by ether in motion.


Note :- Absorbing and giving out what is absorbed, is called Bhakti work. This s the work of the planet Budha and it is the only planet that has this work.


Note in Chandra


  1. Activity comet swelling.
  2. Activity symbol lights
  3. Activity mongee route
  4. Activity Eclipse
  5. Activity Aspect
  6. Activity Blazing triple
  7. Activity Triple aspect
  8. Activity Begin of Triple aspect

While the 7th activity completes and 8th begins, the Triple aspect begins.


Within ether when motion begins from Nil, it stands as eternal Lord Parist within the Laver ring. When the Lord Parist constructs the laver ring, it must expel all the original ether out. Before the laver is built and all the ether is expelled out, 12 acts go on within the ring.

There are 12 specifics :


  1. Ether inner absorbed specific
  2. Inner absorbed ether evaporated specific
  3. Pure specific or ether nil specific (After the above three and in the 4th grade, a cut off happens caused by the 3rd grade motion).
  4. In this specific (pure) a centre and 4 sides motion specific acts. Pure specific cuts off 4th grade level. By this (1) Cut Off. (2) 5th grade are established. ((1) Cut off, (2) 5th grade).
  5. Lation (belonging to 4th grade cons belongs purely to 5th grade. Both the above mix and stand in the 6th grade.
  6. Consolation
  7. Lation Trick
  8. Concentric 1. Lation 2. Motion.
  9. Lation tric motion
  10. Tric lation – Tric lation, tric motion, Pure specific.
  11. Trick motion
  12. Ether thrown specific


Here 1 to 9 grade is complete and has become 10th not which is the laver ring. This Laver Ring stands as the 10th grade not. This is going to rise to Centigrade, i.e., mercury quality.
So, a 4th 0 is ever ready to rise the moment it is kindled.

Motio Eternal is limitless – though acting in the Laver Ring will act upon Ether however large or distant.


Pure Specific – not being motion specific.
Laver Specific – Truth Specific – Nil Specific
Begin Specific. There is not even Nil in this Pure Specific.


The space surrounding the Laver Ring is another Ether different from ether without motion and ether with eternal motion. When Ether is being expelled from within Laver Ring by the eternal motion, 12 kinds of acts take place and also in all places where motion has to stand eternally.


11 Tric motion. With nil as centre tric nil motion beginning drives all Lation out and forms the Ring. That is the 0 which has passed through 1 to 9 grades and is ready to show the higher grade, viz., Centigrade. This is mercury quality.


The Nil. 0 after becoming 100 grade 0 – will show Centigrade. From that as cipher any centigrade standing as nil will go on increasing without limit, i.e., Eternal.


This increase is by quarter. The right angle sides to on increasing.

  1. Chief Life.
  2. Merry Life.
  1. Chief life consists of partly merry and partly painful. Chief life wave is guarded by the 7 planets within the blazing Sun.
  2. Merry life is purely merry and it will be given to the new line. It began for the first time for the Master on 23rd July 1918 at 3 A.M.(mere opportunity).


How is this going to work?


The whole may be taken as K and the upper-half-cup activity is chief life and the bottom-half-cup is full of merry life.


Original St on 27-5-1910.
There is plenty of Prana.
Want of Prana at a critical juncture.
Boring principle.

Master’s bidding begins, goes from Earth to Venus, then to Budha, back to Venus, then to Saturn for it is in a direct line, then to Moon (which has quality of Sun and Saturn), then retorted to the bottom of the Earth ad then towards the Centre of the Earth.

Kundalini Key


K is concentrated form of triple energy.


Activity commences from a field or place devoid of all activity which is Bhrikta Field. From that activity commences and beings to manufacture K. It forms a circle which is filled up with forces which cannot cross the limit until the entire circle of space is completely filled up. That is Bhrikta form. In this 7 processes go on, viz., Pravesa, Vypaka, Gati, Kirana, Arghya, Bhriktarahita and Taraka. After this, the work will go on in the second field filling it up with first quoted K’s and similarly in the third. At the end of the third it is called Tripple Quoted K.


The fourth round is the present field. The activity in the first K is Atma, second K Budhi, third K Manas. Manas activity will first be manifested, then Budhi, then Atma.

M. T. A Retoriton key
  1. Consolation follow
  2. Cut off
  3. Limits for motion
  4. Diploma point
  5. Tube work
  6. High level M.T.A. stood up
  7. Cause for horizontal prolong or converting space into pictures.
  1. Swan swelling
  2. Prolong
  3. Cut off limit
  4. Further prolong.

Cause for Swan Activity

  1. Bhrikta form
  2. Love generate
  3. Swan Shrinking
  4. Discouragement
  5. Envouragement
  6. Swelling.

Shain state is higher than swan state. Shain radiates on all sides. It could not be bored by anything.


Swan activity beings prolong on one side into Bhrikta form, etc. Whatever touches shain, it will return as Pan, i.e,. there is no discouragement in shain level.


Shain quality

Shain quality will return as pain, with Pan as the swan limit. There is Pan between shain and swan.


Nothing but shains Pan.
Shains Shadow.
Beyond Pan there is nothing but.
                                                   Sanka, Tube, Laddus, Within Sanka Hiddens

  1. Cooled
  2. Heat
  3. Gasair
  4. Bindu
  5. Spirit
  6. Anu
  7. Paramanu
  8. Jiva, to this Jeeva are added atma, Buddhi, Manas. Hiddens is the inner principle of Sanka.

Sanka Key

  1. Swan Pres
  2. Saw dalls
  3. Washing buttle
  4. Ecult
  5. Ocult
  6. Hiddens
  7. Swan state
  8. Consolation
  9. Bhrikta
  10. Shain